I've saved loads of images over the past few months but never had the willpower to come back and blog regularly. If I had my druthers, I'd update this thing all the time but with school it's hard to do. In any case, here are some cool things.
MAX KLINGER Some months ago the Legion of Honor had a small exhibit of Klinger's work. I was especially drawn to his "Paraphrase on the Findings of a Glove" series. Not only am I a sucker for good etching, but his work is so fundamentally weird and cryptic, I can't help but be compelled. JULIE MORSTAD LOVE Morstad's work. It's very reminiscent of Edward Gorey, but there's an added dimension of preciousness married to the sinister in Morstad's universe. She also pays amazing attention to detail - I'm just crazy about the missing sock in the piece below. MICHAEL KRUEGER Oldie but a goodie (check out his interview on Fecal Face). Perfect application of a simple medium (color pencil) and terrific use of color in Krueger's ahistorical and all-historical questioning of the American landscape. I love the way he depicts the sky as radians of varying color. TAYLOR MCKIMENS Here is the COOLEST installation by Taylor McKimens, really rad play between flatness and 3-dimensionality.
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